Director: Enzo Serata

Deputy Director: Alfredo Tidu

Number of staff: 166 (at 31/12/2022)

The Director is responsible for managing the UIF, setting out its guidelines and planning, managing and checking its activities, thereby ensuring an integrated and unified management. In this regard, he performs other functions and adopts the acts and measures in compliance with the law.

Suspicious Transactions Directorate

The Suspicious Transactions Directorate is in charge of the financial analysis of suspicious transaction reports, ascertaining how well grounded they are. It assesses compliance with the regulations governing the reporting entities sector. The Directorate defines the financial analysis methodologies and the criteria for the selection and classification of STRs with the support of the Information Exploitation and Technological Innovation Directorate.


Regulation and Institutional cooperation Directorate

The Directorate liaises with the Judicial Authority and with other national institutions. It participates in defining the regulatory framework, cooperates with foreign national authorities and international bodies, and schedules and carries out the UIF's inspections. It analyses information received from foreign FIUs.


Information Exploitation and Technological Innovation Directorate

The Information Exploitation and Technological Innovation Directorate is in charge of collecting all data received by UIF, performing qualitative control and integration of information. It promotes technological innovation and performs tasks connected with ICT security; it conducts studies and analyses of money laundering trends and developments.


Organizational Chart