Newsletter No. 4 - 2020. Suspicious Transaction Reports - January-June 2020

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The UIF has published the latest edition of its newsletter concerning the activity carried out in the first half of 2020.

During this period, the UIF received 53,027 suspicious transaction reports (STRs), a 3.6 per cent increase over the same period the previous year. This growth was sustained overall despite small decreases in March and May (compared with the same period last year) presumably due to the lockdown period and the uncertainty regarding the gradual resumption of economic activity.

The Unit analysed 53,186 reports and sent them to the investigative bodies, and issued 22 suspension orders, amounting to €2.6 million.

The reports assessed as being of financial interest accounted for 86.9 per cent of the total, with an increase of more than 2 percentage points over the first half of 2019.