EU financial sanctions alert

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On 23 February 2022, the European Union adopted a package of restrictive measures in respect of actions undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine.

Among these, first and foremost are the measures provided for in Regulation (EU) No 269/2014 to freeze the funds and economic resources of designated natural or legal persons, listed in Annex I, which has been progressively updated. Second, the European Union has amended Regulation (EU) No 833/2014 by adopting further restrictive measures, including a ban on all operations with the Central Bank of Russia.

The latest update of these regulations is available for consultation at the following link of the EU website:

Official Journal of the European Union - L series daily view 28 June 2024


For a complete list of all the legislative acts adopted to date by the European Union for the many initiatives on financial sanctions, please see:

EU Sanctions map


The designated natural or legal persons indicated in the provisions will be included, subject to the time strictly necessary for updating, in the complete lists available at the following link:!/files


For more information on the application of restrictive measures to freeze the funds and financial resources held by natural/legal persons and groups and entities specifically identified by the United Nations and the European Union (designated natural and legal persons), and used to counter the activities of countries threatening international peace and security, please see the dedicated web page on this site: (only in Italian).